Sunday 9 May 2010

BBC Message Board

My Question:

I am confused about this grammar, so plaese answer me which one is the correct grammatical usage:
1. she is taller than I am 2. She is taller than me 3. She is taller than I thanks!

BBC's Answer:

They are all correct, Michelle.In 1) and 3) you are using 'than' as a conjunction; in 2) as a preposition.

My refelction of their answer:

I think they make a very simple but good answer. Actually, I have been annoyed by this question for a while, but they just gave me a very simple answer to solve my problem.But I would like to get more explination about the difference among these three usages, such as which one is more colloquial or which one is more suitble in formal writing. All in all, I think this is a very usage board because it provide you a plaftform to help you sovle your English problems even after you gradute from school (when you have no teacher to conduct!). Their response is quick and clear, it is really worth using for English learners.