Friday 26 March 2010

The difference between “Big and Large”—personal research

According to my own reaserch by using online concordancers, I conclude that there are two main differences between the usage of "big" and "large".

1. Large is often used to describe "quantity", but its not that often happened in the usage of “big”.

2. “Big” describe something that is not small which is used for a thing or an object.
And “
large” is usually used to describe the concept of space or describe lots of things together and then become vey large.

Thursday 4 March 2010

This is MIchelle!

Hola! everyone!
I, a twenty-three-year-old university student, am an optimisitc girl with out-going personality.
In Hoping town, Taichung County, a beautiful and traditional village surrounded by moutains, I was born in a lovely family with five members,including my parents, older sister and a younger brother and me. Growing up in a farming environment, I have learned to cherish what I have had and do my utmost to be a filial daughter at home and a conscientious student in school.
My parents, liberal and friendly, always encourage me to take charge of my life.It is their love and expectation that I have have utter free will to make my own decision and have the chance to develop my interests.
All in all, I am looking forward to meeting everyone here and sharing everything, either schoolwork or personal stuff with you guys!