Thursday 15 April 2010

See what I’ve learned from the ESL podcast!

Thu, 14th, April
ESL Podcast 573 – Discussing Social Class

1. get a rise out of you: to make someone react strongly ;to upset you; to get you angry
2. holier-than-thou: to describe someone who feel that they are better than other, they are superior to others
3. know which buttons to push: to know what will make certain person to react angrily.
4. work up : to get angry; to have very negative reaction
5. class warfare: different groups and different social classes in a country are fighting with each other have
6. down right+ adj.: emphasize, very (usually with negative adjective )
7. we do our share for the poor: to do your share means to do your part to participate in a large project to help others ;to do their part; to help people who are in need
8. has a chip on his shoulder/ to hold a grudge: to have a negative attitude to someone because he/she is still angry at him; cannot forgive someone about something happened in the past to hold a grudge
9. under my own roof: in your home, where you live

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